The .bashrc file

There are many environment variables we can look at and change. However, we certainly don't want to enter these every time we start a new shell. There is a special file, named .bashrc, which is used to store your settings. It is located in the user's home directory. For example,  the .bashrc file for the root user is in the /root directory.

Here is a .bashrc file from one of my systems:

The description of the lines is as follows:

1.       To comment a line, precede it with a # symbol.

2.       To create a variable, use the export tag.

3.       To create an alias, use the alias tag (as shown earlier in this chapter).

4.       Control statements are allowed; see the if clause in the previous screenshot.

5.       After modifying your .bashrc file, remember to source it using the dot operator  as follows:

. .bashrc

Dealing with blanks and special characters in filenames

Linux (and Unix) filesystems were not originally designed to handle blanks in filenames.  This can cause quite a
few problems, as the shell treats each item after a blank as another  file or parameter. A solution is to use quotes, the backslash, or the Tab key.

The following sections assume the user has not modified the Bash Internal Field Separator (IFS) variable.

How to do it...

See the following screenshot. I purposely created three "bad" filenames:

       1.       Run ls -la file with blanks.txt and notice the errors.

2.       Now run it again, but enclose the filename in quotes: ls -la "file with blanks.txt"; it will work properly now.

3.       Enter ls -la file and press Tab. It will escape the blanks for you.

4.       Run ls -la special>.txt. Observe the error.

5.       Enclose in quotes as before using the following command: ls -la "special>.txt"

6.       Now try ls -la -startswithdash.txt and then try quoting it. Doesn't work, right?

7.       Precede the filename with the ./ operator using the following command: ls -la ./-starWtswithdash.txt

As you can see, this can also be a problem if special characters have been used in the filename. Study this one a bit and it will become clear. Remember the Tab key; it works really well for just about every case. If the file starts with a dash, use the ./ operator. It means  to refer to the file in the current directory.

There's more...

The issue of blanks and special characters is even more of a problem in scripts. This will  be covered in more detail in Chapter 8, Working with Scripts.

Understanding the $? variable

Typically, when a command is run in Linux it performs a task; it either reports what it did  or indicates an error occurred. An internal return code is also generated, and is displayed  by running the echo $? command. Note that this must be the very next thing typed after  the original command.

Here is a quick example of echo $?:

1. Run the following command:

ping -c 1

2.       It should succeed. Run the following command: echo $?

3.       You should get a 0 for success.

4.       Now run the following command:

ping -cp

5. Run echo $? again. It should return a non-zero value to indicate failure.

How it works...

In general, a return of zero means success. A non-zero return means an error has occurred, and in many cases the code returned indicates what the error was. Remember this the next time you type a command, hit Enter, and get the shell prompt back without anything appearing to happen.

There's more...

The man and info pages for a command typically contain an entry showing what the errors mean. If the man page is lacking, consult the web.

Redirection and piping

Suppose you run a command, say route, and want to save the output in a file. The redirection (>) operator is used to do this instead of sending the output to the screen.

Let's try some redirection:

1.       Enter ifconfig > file1.txt. You won't see anything, because the output went into the file.

2.       Run cat file1.txt. You should now see the output.

3.       This works the other direction as well, to read from a file run the following command: sort < file1.txt

4.       You can even do both in one step: sort < file1.txt > output-file.txt

5.       You can also send the output to another command using the pipe operator. For example, run route | grep eth0. The above command would display only  the lines from route that contain the phrase eth0.

There's more...

Here is something that I use all the time. Say I have written a program in C a long time ago, have several versions, and want to find the latest one. I could run locate to find them all:

locate crc.c

This might return quite a few lines. How can I run ls on each file to find the latest one?  By piping the output into the xargs command and then ls: locate crc.c | xargs ls -la

This will now show the time and date of each file.

This might seem a bit complicated at first, but if you experiment a little it will become second nature to you.

Sending output from one terminal to another

This is a really handy feature that is unique to Linux/UNIX systems. It's most useful in scripts but can be used on the command line as well. If you have a system available try the given steps.

Getting ready

You will need two open terminals.

We show how to send the output from one terminal to another in the following steps:

1.       In one terminal run the tty command. The output should be something like /dev/ pts/16.

2.       In the other terminal run the route command. You will see the output in that terminal.

3.       Now run route again, but now using the command: route > /dev/pts/16

4.       The output will go to that other terminal.

How it works...

Terminals on Linux systems are devices that have their own buffer space. By referring to  the device by name you can write to it.

Terminal 1

Terminal 2

Output in Terminal 1

There's more...

This feature is even more useful in scripts, which we will see in Chapter 8, Working with Scripts.

Using the Screen program

Screen is a full-screen window manager that shares a physical terminal with other processes (which are usually other terminals/shells). It is normally used when no other manager or desktop is available, such as on a server. It has a scroll-back history buffer and also allows  for copy and paste of text between windows.

Getting ready

The following is a brief list of some of the many key bindings available with Screen:

f  Ctrl + A + ?: It displays a list of commands and their key bindings f               Ctrl + A + C: It brings up a new window f            Ctrl + A + D: It detaches a window

f  Ctrl + A + N: It is used to go to the next window in the sequence f                  Ctrl + A + P: It is used to go to the previous window in the sequence f   Ctrl + A + # (where # is a number): It is used to go directly to that window f                Ctrl + A + ": It shows the list of windows; user can select any one by the number

The following is a list of frequently used commands:

f  screen -list: It shows all of the windows

f  screen <program>: It creates a new window and run that program in it

How to do it...

An example of running the Screen utility is as follows:

1.       In a terminal run the screen -L command.

2.       Now press Ctrl + A and then press C. This will create another window.

3.       Do this two more times.

4.       Try typing Ctrl + A + 0.

5.       Try Ctrl + A + 3.

How it works...

In the previous section, step 1 will create a new window, window 0. If you are running inside a window manager you may notice the title change showing which window it is.

Step 2 will create another window. After step 3, you will have 4 windows in total.

When you perform the actions in step 4, you should be in window 0. Typing Ctrl + a + will take you to window 3.

There's more...

Here is a helpful hint, if you are running only a command line with no desktop, you may want to change your PS1 variable to something like the following in your .bashrc file:

export PS1="screen$WINDOW \h \u \w \$ "

Now the prompt will always show which window you are in.

This describes only a small part of what Screen can do. Consult the man page for more information.

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